Obviously, we both have 2 different views on Russia's impact on the war, so I feel no need to further continue on about that because my opinion simply won't change.
Obviously so. But, with this, there is fact and fiction, and I'm telling you the fact. Nevertheless I'd like to hear how the Axis would have won if Russia didn't help the US and UK. If you decide not to elaborate, I'll just take that as a sign that you accept defeat.

I tip my hat, not because I believe he was good man or did good things, but because he had the power to do the bad things he did.
Yeah, he was smart, in fact probably a genius. He got his power and his empire. I still don't know why you tip your hat.

The US lost 56,000 soldiers. BTW, you fail to mention the rest of the Vietnamese we massacred. You're off by about 2 or 3 million. I'm curious, but what do casualties have to do with this? Russia lost more people in WW II than any other country and it was on the winning team.
Source? My sources generally say 53,000... but whatever. We'll just say 56,00 for now.

I listed the Vietnamese fighting the US killed in battle, which was about 1.1 million... not civilian casualties. Russia was on the winning team because the US and UK won the war; one on one against Germany they lost, but in WWII's situation they still won so it doesn't matter. Poor analogy.

In 1954, we entered what was known as Indochina to help the French keep their colony. It was divided at the 16th parallel, the north being communist and the south being run by democratically-elected President Ngo Dien Mi, who was no angel himself. I don't look back and say we lost because we pulled out. We lost because we didn't succeed. Our goal was to prevent Vietnam from becoming communist. To this day, Vietnam is still communist. We lost the Vietnam War.
Yeah yeah blah blah blah. You originally said that Ho Chi Minn and them beat the US military. I said, no they didn't. The US military totally kicked their ass inflicting over a million casualties, and politically we pulled out and missed the goal. The goal wasn't accomplished, but militarily the US won, and you said they didn't.

Dwight Eisenhower took office in 1954, who just happens to be a Republican! And Nixon did so much better when he took office too.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected in 1952 and took office in 1953. Lyndon B. Johnson turned 16,000 soldiers in Vietnam into 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam, and in so doing transformed it from an assistance operation into a big war. After Nixon took office in 1969, throughout his time as President he pulled out more and more troops, eventually pulling them all out.

"Today I settled all family business, so don't tell me you're innocent, Carlo-" Michael Corleone

"I punks ed i gruppi ed i rappers moderni hanno avuti timore migliore il sole aumentante di questa cosa di il nostro."