After some reading, I posted this on Blackhand..predictably it drew silence.....

Okay, after sifting through the butchered translation, I got the following points...

1. The conflict between the Corleonesi and the Palermo clans is over, even if there is residual tension...

2. The deaths of Riina, Provenzano, and Bagarella ( is he dead or jailed?) along with the imprisonment of the Graviano brothers and Antonio Rotolo, ( Pagiarelli underboss of Motisi...Corleonesi hardliner....) as well as Denaros fugitive status have effectively ended Corleonesi power.

3. Leandro Greco has only recently entered Cosa Nostras hierarchy, even though he is the most powerful boss. HIGHLY Interesting here.....

4. Greco, if I read this right, wanted to reaffirm the ORIGINAL Cupola rules established by Buscetta. The way it was then, I think, was that family capos were not automatically on the Cupola. This served to strengthen the power of the Commision/ Cupola at the expense of the individual clan capos....

5. Greco used Colleti and Bisconti to organized the outlying clans. Then when it came time for the big meeting, it's not exactly clear to me.....

On the one hand, it seems Bisconti made excuses to not attend, ( he was being followed..) when really he feared for his life.

He feared for his life, because after using him and Colleti to get the outlying clans on board, Greco then EXCLUDED them from the summit. He told em that it was because of police surveillance. He said that he would appoint representatives FOR them, and that they would be TOLD, what they needed to be told.

So this is really a Palermo based version of Corleonesi rule, similar structure......I'm thinking as I'm typing, sorry...

Greco was rearranging clans, appointing regents, if I read correctly he CREATED A NEW POSITION, " Supervisor of the Province"(?) or whatever, the translation is fucked I'm sure. Like Provincial Acting Boss or some bullshit.... SOO much of this shit is so familiar to me.....

7. I dont usually take Wiki any kinda serious when it comes to this shit, but the entry on the Greco clan is intriguing......

It says that they were very close business partners of Calabrian clans in Olive oil. It also is stated that the Grecos wanted greater cooperation amongst the clans, and coordination with Ndrangheta and the Camorra for drugs and Waste Management.

This is HIGHLY interesting because it WAS THE GRECOS who sponsored ALL the families outside Sicily, the 3 in Naples, Probably the Piromallis and Macris, AND the one in Brazil. So Greco WOULD be the point man for all this.

It's interesting also how it says the Grecos were out of LCN, but somehow worked their way back into the power structure. Ill get some flak for this, but to me, it sounds remarkably similar to the Violis and Buffalo. I know, what a fuckin can of worms there right? ( I'm willing to discuss that point...)

8. With Grecos ties to the Naples families and Calabria, basically his connections WITHIN ITALY, combined with LoPiccolos ties to America through the Gambinos, I think this WOULD have made an interesting team..

Any Thoughts on any of this

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 01/27/19 06:41 AM.