Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by hoodlum
Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Originally Posted by hoodlum
Talk about treachery & stupid shit ...Faffy & DelGiorno tried to fuck w/ Crow & Charley White so much ..it didn't make no sense & they were making a lot of money 4 the family , why would capos fuck w/ their soldiers who r top earners??...dumb shit.

Hood, more than likely this is when Chuckie Merlino was making an ass of himself, and Tommy was afraid that the Crow or White would skip over him for Underboss. Faffy really played Del in doing his dirty work for him, all the way to Nicky finally demoting Tommy. Faffy knows how to read people and is dangerous. That is why I suspect that the new Philly administration might be putting Faffy at ease to get rid of him down he road.

U really think Faffy's in danger?? Mmm..U right about Faffy getting Tommy 2 do the dirt work..Faffy was treacherous in those days , alas, he succeeded in taking over as street boss when the shit started 2 hit the fan. now , as an older man I guess he outta pay close attn. w/ whom he deals with & what he gets himself into..I personally thought 4 yrs ago , he would avoid the life.

I think these guys are just happy being free and able.to make money.

I don't think they are plotting and scheeming to take the top spot.

Remember the top spot comes with a"BULLS-EYE" and a "RICO-CASE" AROUND THE CORNER...

The top spot used to come with "MANY MILLIONS" A YEAR TO JUSTIFY...

I don't think that's the case anymore,

it works for SKINNY because he is a celebrity gangster and people pay him volenterialy to hang out with him.

He does NOT have to EXTORT

He is able to stay out of the heart of the heart,

And to trap him is alot harder from an investigation perspective

It makes it challenging,
He living in a different state

It"s not as easy as waiting outside his social club and snapping pictures any day of the week.

+ he has a crew of loyal childhood friends surrounding him.

I do not think anyone is even thinking about de-thrown-ing him.

Uncle Joe, who did a great job re-building and maintaining the family when SKINNY was away.
He even held off N.Y. from taking over Philly rackets.was

It appeared Uncle Joe couldn't wait to give the reins up

U r right about all of the above...BUT..May I digress.... Uncle Joey is an asset...was an asset.. But I still do think in my old school thinking that fuckin' skinny is a low down chain grabbin' purse snatchin' hiding on his old man's tails muthafucka….4 Gods sake , I was a chef in 1 of his (take a partner) restaurants...Paradigm..this guy used 2 take a piss in kitcken mop sink because the club had a long line due 2 its famous shadowing doors..u can read about it ..just google it..

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...