Originally Posted by Nitro

If there were only one "russian mafia" you would be right. But a local sibiria group dreams of the profits of a company like Kinahan Cartel, Holleeder's Crew, serbian Mafia in complete Westeuropean.....and the list goes on.

Another point some russian steal money from the russian gov and transfer to london. Now the start money laundering and fraud in UK, Spain or Germany's real estate market. So you cannot accounting profit to one country. So the question is not helpfull.

Solntsevskaya and Izmailovskaya been in Europe for long time, mostly laundering money but also in the 90's they had people from their controlled brigade Kurganskaya in Netherlands for example working with people from Russian crime groups originating in Latvia, involved in different errands. If you ask me, Kinahan cartel are middle school choir boys compared to such groups as Solntsevskaya.

Originally Posted by m2w
Originally Posted by Nitro
The question is unanswerable.

Originally Posted by m2w
in germany there are not strong local groups and also they are involved only in stuff like drugs or robberies
there are not tons of other lucrative crimes like extortions, public works, waste disposal, fruit and vegetables markets like in italy where organized crime controls everythings

Strongly disagree...

But you cannot compare between Italy and Germany. They are two different things. Different culture and distinctions how you act. But in both country you will find a lot OC groups/networks.

German Media/newspaper never understood OC. They have two sample articels. One about the good old time and the other about bad foreign nationals come to us and took over.
Both kinds more or less bullshit.

in germany there are not strong local groups, there are several gangs (mostly foreign) but there is not any powerful one
in italy the 4 major mafias combined earn billions over billions

In Germany the biggest crime groups are bikers, such as Hells Angels, then various Turkish crime groups which are strongly based there as well. I've heard there are some Italian crews operating there, but what exactly they do there I have no idea.