That wasn't the point. Compared to Philly and Boston/RI the colombos have been comparatively less visible. The Colombos have few trials, arrests, noted events, clubs, meetings, etc. They have no dominant crew. They have no discernible geographic stronghold. They no longer have a dedicated investigation unit at the federal level.

The Bonannos and Lukes are said to have a similar membership (in numbers), but those families are all over the place in terms of documented activity. The Decavs have even been more active, and the Decavs are thought to have galf the membership of the Colombos.

I'm not saying the Colombos are defunct, but the obvious lapse in activity is telling. I am not saying they are obsolete. I know they exist, as one of their members recently stole a power tool from home depot.

All I'm suggesting is that they are more diminished than people realize. For a group that is 100 members strong you would hear atleast something, but no. And its not like they'll post an obituary announcing their demise.

They are on the way out, and likely close to being obsolete.

Last edited by Flushing; 11/05/18 01:22 PM.