Originally Posted by m2w
Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Like any italians that is in crime is the Mafia.
Do we still have Italian gangs or italian street gangs?
Like in Italy? I doubt a mn italian teen who do crime, he’s in the cosa nostra, camorra or other italian group.
Could we say he’s in a italian street gangs?

There are other crime groups in italy that aren't related to camorra,ndrangheta and mafia.
In italy is used the term "associazione a delinquere di stampo mafioso" aka mafia type organization (this is a mine translation) referendum to oc group that are more than simple crime groups that had a stable hierarchy and have a control on a huge territory.

Examples are the Spada clan of Ostia or the Magliana gang or the mala del Brenta (that was an organization born in the north east italy in the 1970s but was understimate because in the 1970s nobody believe that can exist an oc group in the north east made only be people born ed there and not went from south italy).
Also in Sicily there is the Stidda (Star) a group that fought with the mafia.
Recently 42 people born by a spinte group from spada clan was arrested because control a large territory in Ostia and 3 big drug trafficking plazas.

Another difference is that if you are part of a mafia type organization the prosecutors can ask the 41 bis aka the harsh prison that mean that you must stay in a maximum-security prison,isolated by the other prisoners,you can leave your cell only for visite one day a month ecc.

But how the Stidda could survive in sicily, with the cosa nostra at their neck.

Am I bugging, or those, the Stidda look more like the Camorra, than the Cosa Nostra.

stidda was formed by ex cosa nostra members in the 1980s who hated riina today is present only in a few towns anyway

The Stidda expansed his activity and apart Palermo and his province,it stay in the other sicilian provinces and in north italy and maybe in Germany. It is less organized and structure than Cosa Nostra but more violent.

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 10/24/18 11:40 AM.