Italians should have supplied Swiss weapons for the Ndrangheta –
switzerland Nation, switzerland

On Tuesday, the federal correctional court asked a member of the Calabrian Ndrangheta by means of a videoconference as witnesses. The man provided details about the role of the accused before the Federal Criminal Court.

The witness confirmed individual points of indictment, but not the membership of the suspect in the Ndrangheta. The man from Calabria sat in a courtroom in Calabria during the interrogation. He was only filmed from behind. The man is currently serving a long prison sentence.

Hide weapons in the car

He confirmed that the defendant had grown up with the large, historic families of the Ndrangheta – but without being a member of the Mafia. The suspect used to have nightclubs and betting salons.

The witness is a friend and compatriot of the accused. He confirmed that he had illegally bought weapons in Switzerland at the request of the Lombard Ndrangheta. The defendant then transported part of it to Calabria itself.

"He dismantled the weapons and hid them in the car he used for these transports," said the witness. There was always a strategy for the transport of weapons from Switzerland to Italy, the man specified.

He also confirmed that the defendant was assisting the Mafia and guarding the drug trade for guarding hemp fields in the Canton of Bern.

Process in Italian

On Tuesday, the lawsuit against the 61-year-old defendant began at the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona. He had previously explicitly demanded that the trial be conducted in Italian because he spoke no other language. The man who lives in the Canton of Bern is accused, among other things, of participating in a criminal organization.

The married family man himself comes from Calabria. The federal prosecutor's office (BA) accuses him of having been involved in various actions of the Ndrangheta in Switzerland and Italy in the period from 2003 to 2011.

The Italian is still accused of participating in numerous meetings of the Ndrangheta in Lombardy and Calabria – at reception ceremonies of new Mafia members. In 2003 and 2004 he had been actively involved in operations of the Calabrian mafia, who came in and around Turin to take bloody actions.

The suspect must also answer for the transport of several kilos of cocaine and hashish for violations of the narcotics law. (Sep / SDA)

Created: 09.10.2018, 14:18

"The king is dead, long live the king!"