Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Originally Posted by Ciment
The bikers and the Mafia work together to set the price of drugs being sold.

If the bikers ever want to go on their own they would fail. For example the Ndrangheta,with its power and connections to drug markets ,can easily under cut them.They would not need the bikers. I find the thought of taxing the mafia to be absurd. The mafia can also sell the drugs at a cheaper price to other street gangs . Street gangs will turn against the bikers and they would be easy targets.

In Montreal, the Crips would probably be with the bikers and not the mob. Since the Hells Angels and the Crips have a long history.

At first the Crips will back the bikers because of the long history but when the profit margins will be cut because other rival gangs can get drugs at a cheaper price they will turn on the bikers. Look what happened in Montreal, Sergio Piccirilli turned on the Rizzuto's because of the taxing and so did Desjardins against Montagna. Again the Mafia will never pay tax it is a ridiculous idea. The mafia has more connections than the bikers. I do not think the bikers are that stupid to do that.