Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted by NickyfromTampa
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
They didn't call him the "Grim Reaper" for nothing, but in regards to stories like these it looks like Scarpa's a serious contender for the title of "biggest piece of shit in the mob ever".

Hundred percent agree, but he was a brilliant earner, had a large crew of capable hitter, and wasn't afraid to do work himself.

Definitely. When it comes to putting in work he had balls the size of watermelons and he had his fingers in all sorts of pies. Top notch gangster, but even in an environment where nobody's gonna win a humanitarian Nobel Peace prize, he stood out in the scummiest way possible.

Well he did have the go ahead on both sides of the game .... Feds were letting him kill and there was a all out war even after it ended he was so whacked out and used to it being like Wild West he could not stop even with a verbal argument or push and shove had to turn into a shootout the guy was shot out !

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."