SCU clan chief nabbed for harassing woman
Puglia mafia man arrested near Lecce

(ANSA) - Lecce, August 28 - A 59-year-old clan chief in the Puglian mafia Sacra Corona Unita (United Holy Crown, SCU), was arrested Tuesday for allegedly harassing a 30-year-old mother-of-two he wanted to have a relationship with.
Michele Coluccia from Galatina near Lecce is believed to be a top member of the Coluccia clan.
He was charged with persecutory acts after pursuing the woman even though she made it plain she wanted nothing to do with him, police said.
The SCU is the smallest of Italy's four mafias.
It has dwindled to a fraction of its former strength thanks to waves of police action.
The other three mafias are 'Ndrangheta from Calabria, Cosa Nostra from Sicily and the Camorra from Naples.

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