Most knowledgeable member: Turnbull, Senza Mama

Most influential member (good and/or bad): SC and JG of course

Person whose exit of the BB would affect you the most: Mine

Favorite new member: There's been a good influx of new members in 2004. Afsaneh, Zia to name just a few.

Favorite person to debate with: Maybe not debating but breaking balls with everyone here is fun

Best topic of the year: 'So you think you know the real..." Great topic. Less pleased that most think I swing both ways though.

Worst topic of the year: Anything political

Most memorable moment of the year (good and/or bad):Tsunami in Asia

Most down to earth person on the BB: Senza Mama, TIS, Marycas

Favorite member: I've always enjoy reading the works of the following people: Beth E, Goombah, Marycas, Senza Mama, TIS, Joltin Joe (funny fella), Guineapig, Saladbar, Plaw, Freddie, Turnbull, Patrick, Zia, Afsaneh, Utzopoke, SC, JG,

Young 'uns with a ton of potential in their lifelong journey: Patrick, Vercetti, Capo di la Cosa Nostra

So die all who betray Giuliano