Most knowledgeable member: Turnbull or SC

Most influential member (good and/or bad): Patrick & plaw...both good

Person whose exit of the BB would affect you the most: The Don, of course

Favorite new members: Zia and Lavinia

Favorite person to debate with: AppleOnYa

Best topic of the year: Bush Re-Election

Worst topic of the year: The one about Irishman asking out some girl

Most memorable moment of the year (good and/or bad) 10 July winning goal in the over-35's soccer final.

Most down to earth person on the BB: TIS...with an honourable mention for Partagas

Favorite member: Saladbar

Tom: "They shot Sonny on the causeway...he's dead."
Michael: "Turnbull is a good man"
Shane MacGowan: "It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank"