Most knowledgeable member: Turnbull without a doubt, is the master of the Mafia and then some. SC is pretty dang knowledgeable as well as Saladbar, all know so much about so many different subjects; Geoff who helps us all with our computer woes And Capo who is so smart who's intelligence shines thru with every post.

Most influential member (good and/or bad): Geoff, his influence on us and how he runs this board and "keeps" it as active and fun is mandatory to it's success. Kudos Geoff

Person whose exit of the BB would affect you the most: Geoff, SC, TB, Don Cardi, PLaw, Part (others I'm sure)

Favorite new member: Consigliere's Lady, Zia, Mig, Patches, Angie (although don't know that she's that new)

Favorite person to debate with: Even tho I tried to stay out of them, I'll go with Patrick, DJ, PLaw, SB

Best topic of the year: Election (well most heartfelt/intersting)

Worst topic of the year: Shakespeare/Tupac or any rap related topic :p

Most memorable moment of the year (good and/or bad): Tsunami, the devasting presidential election results

Most down to earth person on the BB: Mig, Mary Cas

Favorite member: Too numerous to mention, but have added a few categories of my own with some of my favorite members.

Funniest members: Turi, Partagas

Most controversial topics/discussions: F911 and Passion of the Christ.

Member/s that seldom post, but nice to hear from: Ricardo, SFDenver

Member that has the most stamina: Patrick

Members I haven't met but would like to: Turi, Zia, GP, Angie, Capo, Blake, Partagas, DMC and I'm sure many others I'm not thinking of right now. :p

Members you wish would come back: Pacino Princess, Cam (on a regular basis), Corleone Chick, Joltin' Joe, Cheeks Lombardi. DJ disappered too.

Member who's posts you sometimes don't understand: Turi


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon