Other bits of info related to the war:

- One of the Orena faction's main meeting points was Joe Scopo's social club "Cafe on N", which was run by Colombo associates Bobby Gallagher, Craig Marino, and John Baudanza (future Lucchese member).

- In 1991, soldier John R------ met with Vic Orena at Scopo's club and asked Orena to put a contract on Greg Scarpa, as Scarpa had abused an employee of R------. This is said to be yet another reason Orena wanted Scarpa killed. However, we know from other information that Scarpa was in Orena's sights before the R------ situation.

- Soldier Louis "Bobo" Malpeso and associate Christopher Liberatore (both in Patty Amato crew) were at Scopo's club celebrating their birthdays when they learned that Orena associate Vincent Fusaro had been murdered (by Scarpa). They planned to retaliate by killing Frank Guerra and Anthony Ferrara the next night.

- Soldiers Malpeso and Joe Amato, plus associates Tommy Cappa, Christopher Liberatore, and Liberatore's father Anthony were part of the hit team stalking Guerra and Ferrara. They waited outside of Wanna Bagel, which was supposedly owned by Guerra and Ferrara. Not finding either of them there, they went to Guerra's home but began being tailed by a car believed to contain Persico loyalists. Eventually the car stopped following them but the Malpeso hit team started following them in return and Malpeso ordered Liberatore to shoot the car's occupants, but Liberatore and Amato protested.

- After returning home, Malpeso found out that his own sons had been shot. Malpeso believed that the people tailing them earlier had done it and ordered Liberatore to not only kill the drivers of that vehicle, but also Guerra, Ferrara, and whoever was in the bagel store. Both Liberatore father and son couldn't find the car or Guerra and Ferrara, so they went ot the bagel store and questioned the teenager working there, Matteo Speranza. Thinking Speranza was pulling out a gun, Liberatore shot him dead.

- Following a meeting with Malpeso, Joe Amato, and Patty Amato, it was decided Liberatore would go into hiding at associate Chris Barrett's home in Canarsie.

- Both Christopher and Anthony Liberatore later became cooperating witnesses and stated that Patty Amato's crew regularly went out as a hit team trying to kill Persico members and would often run into other Orena hit teams. Another team they often saw was run by Joe Scopo and Sal Miciotta, which Bobby Gallagher was a part of.

- Christopher Liberatore collaborated with Gallagher six times in attempting to kill Persico loyalists. On Coney Island in June 1992, they saw a car drive by which Gallagher said contained Thomas McLaughlin, a Persico associate, so they began shooting into the vehicle. Three men ran from the car into a nearby park and Liberatore and Gallagher chased them and continued shooting, but they shot a civilian Daniel Norden and badly injured him.

- Gallagher and Malpeso also worked together to try and murder soldier Robert Tarantola in February 1992. Malpeso was also involved in the attempted hit on soldier Joseph Monteleone in 1992.