Part that seems off to me is the "initiated a couple hundred members" part. I know it's the Gambinos and they are the largest or 2nd largest of the families but making a couple hundred guys seems way off to me. Should be more along the lines of "initiated a couple members."

I read somewhere,i think on the other forum(if you post on this forum too please speak up, I'm not trying to take credit for your info) about how Anastasia being Calabrian had something to do with him selling memberships. Believe they said it is common practice in Italy for guys to buy into the 'Ndrangheta. I can't remember if it was the same poster(I think Pogo said this and I know he doesn't post here)but someone said it is acceptable for 'Ndrangheta leadership to alert authorities about a members activities if it will stop a murder or squash a beef.

Last edited by kingoflittlenewyork; 08/16/18 11:07 PM.