Originally Posted by pizzaboy
I love the Hollywood episode when Chris and Murmur mug Lauren Bacall because it shows them for the punk lowlifes that they actually are. Just like when Chris and Paulie killed the waiter after they stiffed him on a big check.

When reduced to their lowest and most desperate, they're no better than any gang affiliated thug in East L.A. or the South Bronx. And there are more guys in the life like that--especially today--than any of the fanboys want to hear about.

When Christopher later chokes on his own blood (with some help from his father figure, Tony), I think of that Lauren Bacall scene, say to myself that karma's a bitch, and I smile.

Give me shit about it. I couldn't care less. That's how I feel. For every honorable guy in that world (and I'm talking real life now), there are three Chris Molstisantis. I never understood the popularity of his character. He was a junkie lowlife and a liability from his first appearance until his last.

Oh, as an aside. If he pulled that pistol on his boss like he did in the episode where he was jealous about Adriana, he'd be part of the Jersey Turnpike today. And Adriana would probably still be alive, banging Tony behind Carmela's back, and she'd be a high echelon CI as a result.

That would’ve been a great plot twist.