Originally Posted by pmac
gioeli was such a low acting boss i forgot. blows my mind and must piss the feds off so bad he gets out in a few years think 2022 give or take. they rewarded all the shooters of a nyc police offer whose only mistake was falling in love with some old gangster ex girl. no one except the shooters was convicted and there free.

If you don't like GIoeli on a personal level that's fine, but you can hardly call him a "low" acting boss. Gioeli has had the longest tenure as acting boss since the Third Colombo War. He was in power from 2003-2008, whereas Alphonse Persico was only in power on the street for about a year.
Gioeli also presided over various induction ceremonies and pretty much led the family through it's rebuilding, which actually went pretty well until Joseph Competiello caused a domino effect that culminated in "Mafia Takedown Day."