Italy: a well-known criminologist in cahoots with the mafia
Angela Tibullo, an expert in organized crime, has been arrested on suspicion of working for one of the most powerful mafias in Italy, reports "Le Parisien"

Aged 36, Angela Tibullo is one of the well-known faces of the fight against the Mafia in Italy . A renowned criminologist throughout the country for her fierce fight against the infamous Calabrian clans in the south of the country, she is an expert in Italian organized crime. Or at least was. Angela Tibullo was actually in cahoots with mafia she claimed to fight, reports Le Parisien .

The criminologist was arrested on Thursday as part of a crackdown by the investigating judge of the Reggio Calabria court. She is accused of being in the service of ' Ndrangheta, one of the most powerful mafias in the world . The justice suspects the expert to have set up a device of corruption making it possible to lighten the sentences of the godfathers of this Italian clan particularly dangerous and known for its cocaine traffic.