Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
I don't really think any of these groups ever "won" anything in the long run.

Ernie the Greek would've been toast if it weren't for the Assyrians intervening.

The Pagans eventually still ended up doing menial tasks for the Philly Mob through their ties with Skinny Joey. I don't think many Pagans ever made lots of money. Most of them started off as semi-broke metalhead white trash and most of them ended as semi-broke metalhead white trash.

Despite the fact that Whitey Bulger was a stoolie for the better part of his criminal career, the underworld buzz of the Irish was still WAY outlived by the Patriarca's.

Rudaj and the Albanians were a bunch of nutters, but at the end of the day they were nothing but a bunch of glorified street goons. The Luccheses at that time were severely weakened and the Lucchese-connected Greeks never had the muscle to protect their own turf. Rudaj went after the weakest target he could find. He didn't dare to hit the Genovese spots, even though they were a lot closer for the Albanians than Astoria was. Alright, they held their own against the Gambinos but if a second argument like this ever broke out after I'm quite certain they would've gotten their careers cut short in a bloodier fashion than the single RICO indictment did.

Matthews tried and he did so in a more intelligent fashion than most. And if that big master plan gathering of those major African American, Cuban and Puerto Rican drug distributors of the time actually came to a successful conclusion, who knows what would've happened... Yet that's the thing, there was so much heat put on him that he didn't have any control over the situation anymore. The DEA was hunting for him big time, his major dealers got whacked left and right by rival black gangs...the only thing that saved him was fleeing the country. His criminal high life only lasted a few years in the end.

As far as I know the Vice Lords got a couple of their men killed by the Outfit, not the other way around. I never read about the Black P Stones and the Mob bothering each other; they mostly let each other handle their own business. Same with the Philly Black Mafia - who fractioned rather quickly.

I agree with just about everything but Whitey.

Whether you know about the Mafia or not youve heard of or seen Whitey everywhere in America. If you didn't live in the Northeast of the country during the early 80s then you have no clue of who Gennaro Angiulo is.

As far as Boston OC goes Whitey is the last chapter in the history books of America.

Nobody knows who Peter Limone is, even though he has a great story. Nobody knows about the Animal, Baby Shacks, the Cheese Man. I'm not goin to argue that Patricia had more power during his day but from the time Whitey moved to the North End he did whatever he wanted.

But saying the Patricia name has outlived the Whitey Franchise, your sadly mistaken. I can go to my library in Arkansas right now and check out 4 different books on Bulger.

You watch a mob doc on any channel, if the subject is Boston it's about Bulger. May not even mention Patricia, at all really, and Angiulo exits stage left very early.

Then Whitey goes on a 10 year crime spree.

As far as a name goes,
his has gone.

The Patricia Family, yes we know who they are but in middle America? They are nothing.