Originally Posted by Zero6245
The colombos rly were in bad shape at that time. Im surprised that family recovered as well as it did. No big indictments for a while after 2011. Guess whoever was runnin the show was very smart.

Following the bust, Dominic Montemarano was made "acting underboss" - the highest ranking position on the streets at the time - and Thomas Farese was made acting consigliere. Gang Land News named Montemarano as being a more viable interim boss than Farese, who was indicted (and acquitted) later that year on money laundering charges. So Montemarano probably ran the family for a few years but I doubt it was a permanent position because he was called into New York from his semi-retirement in Los Angeles, where, despite some sources saying he's active in organized crime and Kenny Gallo, who met Montemarano a few times, calling him an L.A. "capo," he seems to have kept his nose relatively clean by getting into legitimate businesses (I remember reading he went into legitimate business with Tommy Gambino - Carlo's son) and showbiz. He was thoroughly investigated for some dodgy shit including a point-shaving scheme with UCLA quarterback Cade McNown and other football stars, but nothing came of it and apart from a domestic violence arrest in 2001, he has a clean criminal record following his 1984 conviction.