Originally Posted by MightyDR
That's a good point about the media. There really are only weak counter punches from the left.

What was Nixon's tie to the mob? I haven't checked out that book yet.

It's actually not fair to call them the left. They're actually centrists. Weak counter punches from centrists, is what I meant. Like running stories every day about how Trump contradicted himself, as if this is going to make any difference. Trump only made the intel remarks to distract from the upcoming SCOTUS confirmation hearing, which could result in Roe V. Wade being overturned. And, it worked. Had the centrists chasing it like a dog chases a tennis ball. Talking all tough about Russia and treason with their bird chests out. Trump just laughs at this shit. Of course it's possible the centrists back the Kavanaugh confirmation, too, and they're in on the distraction.

If would be nice if the left had the forum on tv or radio to throw their punches. They only have the internet.

Nixon's mob connections? Christ, where do we start.

While he was in office:

- Granted Jimmy Hoffa clemency, despite Hoffa being rejected 3 times by the parole board
- Pardoned Gyp DeCarlo, whose terminal illness wasn't as advanced as claimed, and went right back to the rackets when released
- Entertained Lansky associate John Alllesio at his hotel suite on the 1968 election night (technically before he was in office, but the night he won)
- Called Anthony "Tony Pro" Provenzano associate Joseph Trerotola immediately after the Watergate burglaries

Before being president he took campaign cash from Mickey Cohen.

After his presidency he routinely golfed at the mob owned La Costa country club with the likes of Tony Pro and Chicago Outfit associate Allen Dorfman.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea