Originally Posted by MightyDR
I've gotta back Oaks on this one. Political ideology and biased news aside, it's well documented that Trump cut deals with the mob and committed other shady and immoral acts to get ahead. His lawyer was Roy Cohn for Christ's sake.

Both Democrats and Republicans dealt with the mob and/or other gangsters. Liberal leaning news is biased against conservatives. Conservative leaning news is biased against liberals. There are no real "good guys".

Not since the Tammany Hall days have Democrats even come close to having the mob connections that Republicans have. The comparison is almost as absurd as when people try to link the modern day Democratic Party to the Confederate states. Richard Nixon met directly with mob middle men while in office. Trump likely has too, considering his association with Roger Stone. Of course this pales in comparison to his association with Russia, anyway.

Also, the problem with the liberal/conservative media equivalency is that we don't have a left wing media, however we do have a right wing media. CNN, MSNBC, the 3 networks, most of the papers, are centrist, not left wing. Meanwhile, FoxNews and AM radio are right wing. Far right. Both are now dabbling into outright white supremacy. There is no left wing equal on network television, cable (basic or premium) or radio to what FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh are. Nothing close. This country is dominated by a hard right agenda and hard right messaging with only weak counter punches from the left. You don't end up with a Republican congress and senate and Donald Trump in the white house any other way.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea