The problem with a lot of the accusations levelled against Trump working with the mob is that they are typically made by people with a certain political ideology, they typically appear on websites with a liberal bent, and they typically accept as fact accusations made by questionable sources.

It's tit-for-tat, really. Every time I draw parallels to the Clinton's lying down with dogs and getting fleas, and provide sources positing such, you completely skirt over it.

A lot of people who vote for Trump are well aware of his history, but they're equally aware of the Clintons histories, and they are sick of being patronized by a biased media who have been proven to pursue baseless stories about Trump while completely glossing over the corruption surrounding the Clintons.

It's the same as Bush being pilloried by Rolling Stone etc. while Obama gets a free pass for doing similar shit.

Some people won't be pandered to, Oak.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.