@Furio: Good work there, but which of those members were hit with "long sentences?" Skinny Teddy Persico Jr. was given a ten year plea and Joseph Savarese was given eight or nine. That's about it.
So no, two made men being given relatively lengthy sentences does not make a family "desperate" for new members. And let's not forget that in the grand scheme of things, ten years isn't even that long for a relatively young wiseguy.

Secondly, the majority of those busts hit one crew, Teddy Persico's Dyker Heights/South Brooklyn crew. Of course there were minor busts elsewhere but, as you can see, none of them hit any crews particularly hard. So no, one crew being hit with a big bust in the past decade also does not constitute a desperation for new blood. Elderly Joseph Carna being indicted doesn't really affect his crew's need for new blood. Luca DiMatteo being arrested does not hurt his crew that much since the bust revolved around one particular shakedown victim, and not an entire racket or industry.

Thirdly, the Colombos have skated off relatively easy on busts and, more importantly, relatively easy in terms of sentences. The 2011 indictment mostly (the key word here is MOSTLY) fizzled out for the Colombos, with their acting boss getting only a little more than a "time served" sentence, Benjamin Castellazzo getting roughly four years, etc. Hell, their acting consigliere was acquitted. Compared to the Bonannos, Luccheses, Gambinos and even the West Side, the feds seem to have put the Colombos on a backburner for the most part. The 2008 and 2011 indictments were the only ones that could have really affected the overall structure and chain of command.

In summary:
You're statement about many members being hit with long sentences isn't accurate because most people took lenient pleas.
The only bust that was able to take down and disrupt a proper crew was the 2011 indictment of Teddy Persico. The others took down the heads, sure, but not whatever manpower and new recruits are beneath them.
The Colombos haven't even been busted that much compared to a lot of the other four families, so it's a pretty strange point to make.