Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
I'm quite interested to know yours 24fps. Care to share?
Okay. Only if you and DVC, and anyone else, do the same (not unless you guys already did earlier in this huge thread; care to point me to the page number?)

1-In The Mood For Love (Wong, 2000)
2-Chungking Express (Wong, 1994)
3-Happy Together (Wong, 1997)
4-Godfather Part 2 (Coppola, 1974)
5-Friday Night (Denis, 2002)
6-Three Colors: Blue (Kieslowski, 1993)
7-Late Spring (Ozu, 1949)
8-La Jetee (Marker, 1962)
9-Stalker (Tarkovsky, 1979)
10-Orpheus (Cocteau, 1950)

Gosh, I had to leave out so many others and very funny ones at that (weird because I love to laugh). Note these are my favorites according to my personal aesthetic and criteria. No objectivity was intentionally strived for. And they all could move higher or lower on any given day. That's just how I feel today.