Originally posted by svsg:
I presume you are not asking about martial arts movies. Because I frankly don't have so many favorites and don't even remember the names of many of those movies I watched on TV. These are my favorite 10 movies:

The top three in strict order, the rest not so rigid.

1. Apocalypse Now - Redux
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Godfather part 1/2
4. Raging Bull
5. American Beauty
6. Taxi Driver
7. Requiem for a Dream
8. Vertigo
9. Dead Man
10. Matrix part1
Yes, I wasn't asking about martial arts movies. Just wanted to see if any of my previous recommendations might need some preface of some sorts based off of your taste.

Except Wong Kar-wai, most of the films I suggested might raise the objections/criticisms of being slow. But, so are some Western classics like some of what you cited above: the Coppolas, Scorseses, and Jarmusch (save the violence). So, I don't see much problem. I think steady is the better word than slow.
