Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
[b]För att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor (All These Women / Now About These Women)
Ingmar Bergman
1964 Sweden (1st time; DVD)
A music critic arrives at the house of a virtuoso cellist to write his biography; but the wife, mistresses and servants get in his way.
Surface furnishings suggest an entirely different name altogether behind the director's credit; but dive beneath the stunning colour, slapstick humour and theatrical tone, and here is one of Bergman's torn artists, niggled at by those around him, with the burdens of expectation alienating his genius to the end.
I've noticed you watched quite a bit of Bergman from some of your posts throughout this huge thread (I like this thread, BTW).

Have you been fortunate to catch some supposedly fine early light/comedic/romance Bergman like "Summer Interlude" and "Summer of Monika?"