Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:


While it presents its images in a wider range of formats than Last Year at Marienbad, covers more chronological ground than Wild Strawberries, and doesn't ever really find its way into any sort of long-term narrative the way Mulholland Dr. did, this perhaps stands, at least in my mind, as the least impressive of the films of its kind, although it is interesting that this film is the only autobiographical one among the bunch. Tarkovsky executes some nice camera moves at certain points, and some of the slow-motion, silent sequences work pretty well, but overall, the emotional effect is lost. I'm still very interested in seeing some more of Tarkovsky's work. [/b]
Is this your first Tarkovsky? I'm not sure what you meant by "among the bunch" - among Tarkovsky's work or films "like" Mirror? If so, it's sort of a bad place to start to get into Tarkovsky because it is such a dense and yet opaque work. Yet I admire that you maintain an interest to explore more. Like you already noted, Mirror is constructed out of different formats (narrative forms) and shifts time and color.

He wasn't interested in constructing a logical and cohesive narrative (he does have that ability albeit episodically in Ivan's Childhood and Andrei Rublev ). Instead like much of his body of work, he invites contemplation to compare and contrast events/images to derive meaning. In fact his Nostalghia is basically an anti-narrative. His Sacrifice is rather linear and classical in construction, but it resists narrative logic at the same time.

I wholeheartedly recommend his Stalker - the quintessential cinematic experience; something that expands one's notion of the boundaries of cinema making it boundless. I think it's his best work and along with Ivan's Childhood it's his most forward-driven plot.