Originally Posted by BlackFamily
Originally Posted by ThePolakVet
Originally Posted by Aces
No, its kind of happening now. The racism thing is now becoming more of an excuse opposed to an actual problem and most americans are bored of it already. If people work hard, they will succeed. There is no excuse, its 2018 already and blacks actually have it easy. However, its up to them to make their lives better, its not up to me or anyone else. The excuses are over. Bad decison making and an irresponsible life style is not a recipe for success or productive lives.

I agree to everything, except of "if people work hard", the correct sentence would be "if people work smart", imo.

Why would you agree with this individual?

I agree with what he said in that actual text. We all make our own decisions in life which later affects us and people around us. It has nothing to do with skin color. Yeah, there are racists, both black and white and also other races. But people tend to bring it in any argument now where it does not relate to the situation. [/quote]

This specifically: "The racism thing is now becoming more of an excuse opposed to an actual problem".

The problem with agreeing with this text is that it undermines or cover up the fact that it still persist presently. I do agree that it does come up in situations when it doesn't relate to a particular subject. Beside those type of moments it still persist in a discreet manner. From the business sector to everyday walk of life. I've stated a few times on here before that Bigotry/Racism of the U.S is a scar. A scae doesn't fade away.

If you watch that Lupe Fiasco video i posted then you'll have a gist of understanding from a Black perspective. It's a cultural double standards here. It's evidence displaying here on the BB via posters that quicker to shed light on Black statistics yet don't ever dig into their own culture stats.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb