Originally Posted by ThePolakVet
Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted by pmac
nah kingpins are humans 2

I used to think along those lines until I watched a video of a cartel methodically torturing someone whose limbs had been severed and whose face had been removed.

There is a difference between being a criminal with a set of moral guidelines and between criminals who are like animals. There are different do's and do not's in various criminal society's. Such as in Russian crime world if you live by Thieves Code you cannot touch someone's family, especially mother. And also rape and other sexual abuse is frowned upon, unless it's done in prison to down someone. There are other guidelines, for example you can take either a man's health or wealth, but not both. Breaking some of these guidelines will result being downed or even killed.

From the other aspect - those who got tortured in some way deserved it. Yeah, life is rough. It is up to every person himself on how he will live and what will come to him. I don't think people being tortured in such a way were Catholic choir boys singing on Sundays and the drug cartel just cut them up for fun. Maybe the guy was some rapist or killed children for fun and got what he deserved. And also people who get harmed without a reason - every situation in life is because the person deserved it from some action he made in life or because he needs to learn from the situation and develop.

Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
I think of you're a criminal especially a drug kingpin,you should automatly lost your human rights and the state can torture you as it want.Just my opinion.

First, drug kingpins are there just because people buy drugs. If no-one bought them, there wouldn't be such enterprises that would sell them.
Second, people make wrong decisions and mistakes all the time. I doubt anyone of us never does anything that is considered bad. That could be even lying to someone, as everyone of us have done that in their lives.
Yeah, there is a difference, as I meant before. There are crimes which don't really hurt anyone, and then there is the mentioned deserved result for the person. And there is crimes that go over the moral standards. I'd say rapists, child molesters, serial killers(killing without a reason) would definitely deserve to be taken their human rights off them and rot in a fucked up place.

The PolakVet there no criminals with a moral. Here in Naples more say that in the glorious old days the old guappi dosn't kill women or children but this isn't true. The the of law code was followed in the former sovietic prisons (maybe) but not from the young boys and this is a reason why the Russian mob in 25 y made what the sicilian mafia made in one century.
Every crimes had consequences if the more little,an examples:
Here in Campany for ensure your car you must pay 1000€ a month and this because more people for a thousand euro declare fake car accidents. So I must pay 1000 a month even if I never done a car accident!
I hope was clear.