Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
David Lynch
1992 France/US (1st time; DVD)
Two FBI agents investigate the murder of Teresa Banks in Fargo; a year later, in Twin Peaks, agent Dale Cooper predicts the killer is about to strike again…
Frustratingly imbalanced return to Lynch's own TV series, a prequel which, if considered in solitude, reaches highs comparable to other work, but feels as if it has been cut down drastically; as a result, the opening twenty minutes are humorous and bizarre, but hardly relevant to the narrative. The scene in the flashing, erotic nightclub is awesome, and the final half-hour or so is increasingly gripping as it spirals into a deeply psychological nightmare - the credits come as a relief, which must say something of Sheryl Lee's central performance, undeservedly panned by all at the time of release.

The Gold Rush
Charles Chaplin
1925 US (1st time; DVD)
During the 1898 Alaskan Gold Rush, a lone prospector (the little tramp) arrives in a mining town and falls in love.
Tedious, though it generally gets better as it goes on - the scene near the end, in which Chaplin and a burly man from earlier in the film struggle to escape a cabin on the verge of falling off the edge of a cliff is wonderful. For the most part, it offers little that his other work doesn't, though the change in location is welcome. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?