
At first I was a little sceptical. It has happened before, a classic film that is considered great by everyone, and that I ended up not liking because of the lack of pace. Perhaps a sign of impatience and of being grown up in the middle of Power Rangers and Super Mario...

But I ended up really liking this film. I didn't even put myself comfortably in the couch after turning the DVD on, I just sat on the edge of it with a strange stare on my face. The characters are just like characters in a classic Hollywood film are supposed to be: with style.

Definitely in my top 20, maybe top 10 of all time.


(BTW, now I also understand the Simpsons episode with the alternative Casablanca ending better.)

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.