Road Trip
Solid college comedy. Tom Green is great, and Todd Phillips has to be one of the best comedic directors working today.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Not nearly as good as some of the other comedies of its type. And surprisingly little actual dodgeball action. Vince Vaughn is still the man though.

My 2nd Lumet after Dog Day Afternoon. Found this one much more impressive. Probably one of the most simply made films I've ever seen, shot with little extravagance, and the entire story is just dialogue, but man, what dialogue it is. Writer Paddy Chayefsky crafts several incredibly defined characters and all are fufilled with amazing performances from nearly the entire cast. The complete lack of music is perfect. The film works both as a satirical dark comedy and as a dramatic piece. Never boring nor over-sentimental, or too over the top. Lumet sustains graceful balance throughout. I'm interested in seeing more of his work.

I dream in widescreen.