In reply to Furio, the Europeans must have solidarity among themselves. This is why Salvini is so potentially important a figure. If he can succeed in deporting 500,000 Muslims out of Italy, it will embolden France and Germany to do the same. Western Europe as a whole is being invaded. It is warfare by other means. Demographic warfare, the replacement of the indigenous populations. The solution is not to stop the migrant invasion of Italy only to see it shift to Spain or France. Rather, the solution is to stop the migration invasion once and for all, and to then repatriate these people back to where they came from

Italy has had a remarkably consistent genetic make-up for the last 3000 years. She is an ancient and noble country who deserves to survive. The population of the global south, especially Africa, is exploding. Unless we enforce our borders and police our seas, we will simply be overwhelmed demographically and our populations and civilizations will be utterly transformed.

Our moral duty is not to the global south. Our duty is to our ancestors and to future generations. This is the essential purpose of any moral-political state.

As for America in the 1500s, 1600s 1700s, 1800s -- this was a case of warfare by conquest aided by disease. Europeans conquered America. Today, Europe is being betrayed by treasonous elites, elite NGOs, elite policy-makers, elite multinational corporations seeking to destroy the solidarity of the European working classes, and elite multinationals destroying traditional economies and agriculture everywhere. Europe is not being conquered outright. Rather, Europe is being systematically betrayed by its elites. But the outcome will be the same as suffered by American Indians unless radical & resolute measures are taken soon.