Originally Posted by dominic_calabrese
It is an invasion absolutely. We are talking about REPLACEMENT LEVELS of immigration. MOREOVER, most of these people end up draining the welfare system. There is very little demand for cheap, unskilled labor in the West. And so they end up on the welfare rolls, with all their wives and children. The African and Muslim birthrates dwarf the indigenous birth rates. Most manufacturing has moved to China and similar places. You should know this Mr Chen. In fact, please tell me Mr Chen, why do Japan and China admit so few immigrants. Why is it only the supposed moral duty of the West?

Many of the refugees had parents in an another European country or dont want to stay intaltmy but the other European contries used and using italy as enormous camp. If you give the opportunity, two thirds of the refugees will go out of italy.

This is not an invasione like was not an invasion all the Europeans that lande on the US in the 1800s.