Originally Posted by dominic_calabrese
Salvini may be imperfect, perhaps his past corrupt. But if he can turn the tide against the migrant invasion, bring an end to the malfeasance of the ngo's, and deport 500,000 invaders, if necessary by brutal force ----> if he can succeed in this, he will be a hero for all the ages, for Italy, for Europd

Once the War Against the Migrant Invaders is won, then the North & South of Italy can go their separate ways. But all issues pale into insignificance in light of the migrant invasion. This is a political question of the highest order. The only question that really matters

I know some people on this board are right-winged and that the issue of refugees is complicated, but why would you call that a invasion? Those refugees are homeless people seeking for a way to live, share your country with them is not something so hard to do. Besides, Countries like Italy and Germany are always the destination for migration and its not a bad deal considering you get all those cheap labours.