Miami Vice
Michael Mann
2006 US (1st time; big screen)
Two drugs squad cops infiltrate a drugs ring.
Mann's least impressive film; he seems to have adopted a point-and-shoot method, and so any flair created (such as in the tense final shootout) stems from editing, not shot composition. If filming on DV has freed him up economically, it's also made him a lousy visualist. Character representation is important in Film, but Mann's work is becoming increasingly prone to caricature: the baddies all have baldy heads and Swastika tattoos, and there's almost a knowing, satirical nod near the end when the camera zooms in on a thug's greasy forehead, and a red spot in particular. With most settings exploited only half-heartedly, and most of the action taking place outside Miami, you can't help but feel the title is a mere marketing ploy. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?