The Last Temptation of Christ

An interesting picture, directed with trademark Scorsese flair, but it's still noticeably different in style than his work in the early 90's. A bit overlong, yes, and a bit difficult to follow for someone not too familiar with the story of Jesus, but still thought-provoking, still amazing to watch. It's strongest points lie in Scorsese's journey into Christ's thoughts, nightmares, visions, and fantasies. And wow, what a performance by Willem Dafoe, which went sadly un-nominated at the 88 Oscars.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Not exactly laugh-a-minute like Anchorman, but still a solid comedy with Ferrel and the gang assuming new identities and some Southern accents. McKay experiments with some more daring camera techniques, including some CGI, which worked well. Great supporting cast here as well, Amy Adams, Gary Cole, Michael Clark Duncan, John C. Reilly, David Koechner, Sacha Baron Cohen, Molly Shannon, even Andy Richter. Very enjoyable.

I dream in widescreen.