MAGNUM FORCE (1973) - **1/2

The problem with the DIRTY HARRY franchise is that its simply simplistic, and fucking overrated and forgettable, action/cop movies that have been copied for decades to the point that one wonders how "fresh" these maybe were of the time.

Yet this sequel, I give credit for at least having a killer concept. The vigilante-prone action man of Clint Eastwood forced to fight a platoon of TRUE vigilante assasins(inspired by similar rogue police armies in Latin America in the 1950s), where instead of fighting the system, Eastwood is fighting FOR the system against these agents of anarchy.

Too bad the concept is just that, a novel idea that is delivered in this movie as a muddled and quite average 70's action movie. Still, I did get to see Tim "Otter" Matheson get wasted. That must count for something!