Flat spy thriller/comedy about a retired CIA agent(Hackman) escorting a Soviet spy(Baryshnikov) back to the reunified Berlin in a hostage exchange, before both become targets of assasination by the combined CIA-KGB task force. From writer/director Nicholas Meyer(TIME AFTER TIME, TREK 2: WRATH OF KAHN), this movie was mostly noted at the time for the fact that the Soviet Union dissolved during the making of it, and that there was massive studio-sanctioned rewriting and re-shooting, leaving for a movie that for the most part, was running as an enjoyable if forgettable adventure(**1/2-like rating), but the plot holes and even the movie being inconsistent with its own plot details catch up to it in the movie's rather abrupt ending. If you want Gene Hackman stuck in Cold War intrigue in Berlin, go rent Andrew Davis' THE PACKAGE instead.