Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
I just didn't quite get Kieslowski's motivation in making his character expierience that transformation, which subsequently made me feel as though it came off less effectively. What are we as the viewers supposed to get out of it? Or is it, as the title suggests, just an objective piece, with no intended message? Simply titling it A Short Film About Killing implies no intended emotional reaction. Could the confusion I'm feeling perhaps be the intended result?

Any thoughts?
I just saw A Short Film About Killing and I feel as if Jacek didn't necessarily experience a transformation. Rather, I think he is a complex character, capable of both love and murder. The final scene simply provided an opportunity for him to pour his soul out. I don't think that Jacek should be restricted to being a one sided character. That's what I love about this film: it's realistic. The cabbie is not a nice person, yet he shouldn't die. I feel as if Kieslowski was making a similar point with Jacek.