Dekalog, dziewiec

A much better chapter in the series. It seems to me that when Kieslowski doesn't have such heavy-thinking type subject matter, he's able to concentrate a little more, flesh out his characters better, write a more interesting story, and make a better film, which is odd, I admit, but so far in the series, my favorite segments seem to be fairly simple stories of husbands and wives and cheating and whatnot.

Kieslowski displays some of his best editing and writing skills here, and they make for an overall solid segment. This piece contained some of the best moments of breaking the 4th wall I've ever seen as well. In the pentiultimate scene, a man attempts suicide by riding his bike off of a bridge, just as simultaneously, his wife rushes home on a bus to try to stop him. Kieslowski shows us the man's anguished face, and then a slow motion shot of him freefalling, and then he cuts directly to the wife in close-up, staring directly into the camera with this hopeless sort of look on her face that just completely expresses the emotions of the entire piece really. It was quite an inspired moment.

It's interesting to see that the next and final segment is actually a comedy, which drastically differs from the rest of the series so far. Kind of odd. Looking forward to wrapping this up today or tomorrow.

4/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.