Well, I think my rating is a little generous. Hell, I initially gave the movie a rating like I gave Jewison's THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! picture, a rating of ****.

But then I thought about how the movie itself was edited, so sleek and lean, without any fucking fat that hacks like Michael Bay would put in their pictures. Better yet, there is no contrived bullshit in the picture that I had to deal with. We never know exactly why our bad guys do what they do, and that's good. Who the fuck cares why, except of course for one major payday.

Besides, the ending itself is just so effortless...Matthau's face at the doorway, and bang, theme music.

Who knows, maybe in the future I'll knock the film's rating back to ****, since hell I slightly knocked down some movies I've reviewed in the past by half-a-star(for example, REDS which I originally gave the 5-star masterpiece rating, but I changed my mind and simply gave it ****1/2. Nevermind KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, which I gave **** for the Theatrical edit, but seeing the Director's Cut, it got promoted to ****1/2.)

The point is, its a good chance of happening possibly. What's your rating, SC?