Dekalog, siedem

One of the better segments so far. Kieslowski's camera work takes a drastic turn from the last part and returns to his nice, well-framed or gracefully moving shooting style. The story here provided oppurtunities for strong performances from all the main cast, although I felt as though Boguslaw Linda as Wojtek really shined.

Another great showcase of Kiesklowski's talent is his choice to take the commandment of "Thou Shalt Not Steal" and turn this episode into a metaphorical tale of a teenage girl's daughter being taken from her by her mother. And once again, Kieslowski opts for a dual main character style, which allows him to consistently demonstrate hypocrisies and differences among the different age and social classes in Poland. Overall, an excellent chapter in the series.

4/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.