Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
I'm reading a George Pelecanos book set in Washington and one of the characters says that a large group of police recruits from back in the late eighties were mentally unqualified to be police officers.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

The book happens to involve police brutality.

I'd imagine the recruitment process is a little more stringent now.

Soul Circus? That's a pretty good one.

The recruitment process varies from area to area. Some places train their officers much better than others. The fact of the matter is that there are good and bad cops, but we'll never be able to tell the difference because the ones that may be good allow the bad ones to continue their reigns of terror without any opposition. This is extremely costly to the cities that employ them, because when they eventually get sued or kill someone, it's the taxpayers that have to pay out those huge settlements, not the police unions. This obviously skews how they view accountability since they know it won't be their organization paying the true cost.

Another problem is with officers who are fired for misconduct being hired right back, usually by a neighboring town or county. Now you have an officer that you KNOW is dangerous and a liability on the street. This just happened in a case of a cop who was fired for intentionally hitting a fleeing suspect with a car.

Honestly, on a forum full of mob enthusiasts I figured we would all be well versed in just how corrupt law enforcement can be. Look how the FBI ROUTINELY corrupts investigations and protects criminals and crooked agents. From Lin DeVecchio in NYC to John Connolly in Boston, these guys hurt so many innocent people, and these are just the guys who got caught. Imagine your average John Doe who gets fucked over by the cops saying he did something or had drugs that were planted on him. What realistic recourse does he have? He's got a snowball's chance in Hell. These things happen every single day, please don't kid yourself otherwise.