The testimony was great today, the guy that sold the Channel to DiSarro and Flemmi Jr had amnesia on the stand. Couldn't remember anything. How he met them, if the club had been for sale, how much he got for it, what was said, etc... and when they asked him to read his grand jury testimony from a few months back he said he couldn't see anything without his glasses and refused to even look at the transcript.

He owns a pizza place on the south shore now and they asked him if anyone had "gotten to him" or had "spoken" with him and he said NO. Then they asked him about a car fire outside his pizza place a few weeks ago and he basically denied it but I guess the FBI was worried enough that they did a welfare check after the car fire and he was like "I have no idea about anything"

They also had DiSarro's stepbrother on the stand as he owned the Channel with him and he said it was just a mess the ABC was looking at them, Salemme Jr was a mess starting fights and stealing money and when DiSarro disappeared he wasn't sure it was foul play, though maybe he ran or went to rehab as he had a serious drinking problem. He was even 100% convinced when a few years went buy where his step-brother had gone.

DiSarro was no angel, old man Patriarca was his godfather (that's be an interesting story how that happened) and he once dated Nicky Bianco's niece so he knew the game and the deal, RIP

Oh, and all of this happened with Frank in court today, the judge said he wouldn't be attending the proceedings.

They also said Salemme Jr robbed a drug dealer and pushed him out of a moving car, real nice guy

Last edited by azguy; 06/05/18 08:52 PM.

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