Originally Posted by Ciment
Originally Posted by hoodlum
I just googled Candace Owens cause I didn't know who some of u posters were talking about... & no wonder u libs or whatever don't like her ..she's everything that's reasonably well ..she's educated, opinionated , brought up correctly, etc...does NOT run around whining " Oh!! I'm a victim cause of my skin color & I need a safe space".....& on top of it ,I wouldn't mind spending some time w/ her,,whether it's next 2 her on a barstool or somewhere more intimate (if I wasn't married).. she's probably a very interesting lady.. so there's my 2 cents about that.

What you just described about her is the reason why the liberals feel threaten.

Don't let them get to you, you seem like a good man.

Thanx, Ciment ..I try & also try 2 stay out of these kinds of threads,,but some ppl. just get me fuckin' irked & off to the races I go..such ignorance w/ some ppl. ..ya know??

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...