
Conservative blacks think they're better than other blacks
They are better than other blacks. Thats obvious.

Conservative blacks dont try to help other blacks..
Why should they? Its not their fault many blacks continue to make irresponsible decisions despite being told millions of times that they need to be more responsible.

It would be my own fault if i go to a klan rally and get assaulted. Just like it would be a black republicans fault if they talk their bullshit and get beaten unconscious
Wrong!!!! Big difference between the klan ( a hate group) and a black who leads a responsible, dignified life going to some black lives matter rally.

Perception is reality, and the GOP is viewed as racist so fuck what candace owens has to say. Especially since she said police brutality doesnt exist
Wrong !!! Conservatives are viewed as not wanting to give hand outs to people who have every opportunity to make better lives for themselves but instead choose to live off the system.

Last edited by Right_Pride; 06/04/18 03:03 PM.