I agree that I shouldn't really be blaming Cassavetes or other independent filmmakers for their sometimes mundane camera use considering...

A. Budget constraints
B. They're going for the documentary-like style, like you mentioned.

On that point, I understand and agree with you. But explain to me again the difference between the dinner scenes? It seemed to me like in both, the wife is fairly quiet but everyone kind of seems to be cautiously awaiting her to do something crazy, which she eventually begins to do, and then the husband freaks out. What's the major difference there? She didn't seem devoid of any of her previous behavior after the 6 month break.

And on a side note Vercetti, forget this argument. I've seen you name this as one of your favorite/best films. Could you perhaps explain why you feel the way you do? Often times a seasoned rewatcher can make me remember things I may have underappreciated in a film.

I dream in widescreen.