Oh yeah, how you think I feel when he underrated TWELVE MONKEYS? Hopefully he'll find upon the great works of science fiction, and maybe realize that Gilliam somehow produced a worthy cinematic nugget of the genre. Not that I'm dissing his worthy and respectable opinion, since its not like he gave a BOMB rating to it, but again....this is the price with subjectivity.

You may see a movie as clear as if you was looking out the window, or that same picture, its a bug guts-laden car windshield with rain splattering over it.

Anyway, I don't think EYES WIDE SHUT is a masterpiece, but its still a really damn well-made film. Besides, the first time I watched it, the movie was damn sterile to me, much like Hagen's review for it, so I can actually understand where he is coming from. But over time, and after several viewings, I now think its yet another worthy picture in Kubrick's outstanding resume.

Besides, who didn't laugh at the obviously, digitally, placed people in front of certain sex acts? Apparently the European edit didn't bother with such nonsense. :p